Introducing Talk To Or Talk With In A New Light!

 Sayings For Talkers!

It is asserted by Macaulay that he never entitled a sentence to enact muster until it was as good as he could prepare it. He would depict and correct, and even design a sentence or an entire division, to maintain a more transparent and reasonable structure. He composed precisely so much every day, usually, a standard of 6 pages and this writing was so erased and improved that it was eventually condensed into 2 pages of impression. The champions of English prose have been incredible workers. Stevenson and other literary figures like him because he gave hours and days to the inquiry of letters, sayings, and verdicts. Over unwearied dressing to the art of ornamental writing, they finally earned a reputation as writers.

The enterprising learner of dialect culture, whether for practice in talk or public, will do well to imitate the specimen of such wonderful writers. One of the valid procedures to create a massive vocabulary is to point out beneficial and amazing representations in one's common study. It is advisable to write such words in a note-book and to browse them aloud from time to time. Exceptionally phrases may be categorized according to their special application,--to business, politics, music, education, literature, or drama.

It is not suggested that such phrases should be intentionally pushed into the speech, but make relation-building to carefully examining felicitous terms, and of quoting them in composing, refines the flavour for useful words and a knowledge of bias in their use. Many phrases documented and reviewed in this means will unconsciously reveal their path into one's experience.

The catalogue of idioms that obeys is presented as just symbolic. In browsing the phrases aloud it is good to guess simply what each one means and to match it into a sentence of one's own making. This easy activity, practised for a few weeks, will yield startling findings by way of expanded faculty and flexibility of English style.

It is desirable

I can well imagine

Broadly speaking

An admirable idea

In a literal sense

By sheer force of genius

You can imagine his chagrin

I hazard a guess

It challenges belief

He has an inscrutable face

Very fertile in resource

I am loath to believe

It is essentially undignified

An example is so contagious

I am not in her confidence

Taken in the aggregate

It is a reproof to the shallowness

There is a misconception here

I strongly suspect it so

He was covered with confusion

It was a just rebuke

A pleasing instance of this

It lends dignity to life

She has a desultory liking for music

It seems incredible

A kind of detached ideal

It blunts the finer sensibilities

Beyond question or cavil

A well-founded suspicion

It has elicited great praise

They are landmarks in memory

Superhuman vigour and activity

A venerable and interesting figure

It is curious and interesting

Gives the impression of aloofness

Perfectly void of offence

Regard with misgiving

A stroke of professional luck

An unscrupulous adventurer

He spoke with extreme reticence

Robust common sense

Deficient in amiability

Done with characteristic thoroughness

A vein of philanthropic zeal

Definite, tangible, and practical

Too much effusive declamation

A man of keen ambition

It gives infinite zest

Singular qualifications for public life

They are bitterly hostile

The despair of the official wire-puller

Blind and unreasoning opponent

Ignoble strife for power

Surrounded by a cohort of admiring friends

In an imperative voice

Marked by copiousness and vivacity

Touched with sombre dignity

A ridiculous misconception

Habitual austerity of demeanour

Ostentation and lavish expenditure

A person of exquisite tact

Intolerant of bumptiousness

The obvious danger of dallying

This was grossly overstated

A mass of calumny and exaggeration

Inimical to religion

Fraught with peril

I venture to ask

Attributed to mental decrepitude

A strange phenomena

It argues a blind faith

An insatiable whirl of excitement

A substratum of truth

Under some conceivable circumstances

Bubbling over with infectious joy

Frigid dignity and arrogant reserve

A profound contempt

The fine art of hospitality

Grim morsels of philosophy

A tinge of sorrows and jealousy

Due to ignorance and barbarism

Grave and monstrous scandal

A splendid instance of self-devotion

Amusingly exemplified in this case

A recognized and powerful element

A symbol of restraint

An utterly fallacious idea

In rapid and striking succession

We learn from stern experience

Pictures of an inspired imagination

An astonishing outbreak

Soothing words of sympathy

A rather bold assertion

The most enthusiastic adherents

Mere tepid conviction

Eminently qualified for the task

Almost supernatural charm

In glowing and exaggerated phrases

Somewhat rich and austere

An inexhaustible theme

Grave and undeniable faults

Perfectly chosen language

All the characteristics of a mob

Given to grandiloquent phrase

Peculiar vein of sarcasm

Froze like ice and cut like steel

A generous tribute to an eminent rival

Cold and stately composure

Fiery and passionate enthusiasm

Extraordinary violence of nature

A brilliant and delightful play

A rare and striking combination

Preeminently qualified for the part

Moderate and cautious conservatism

Daring perversions of justice

Devoid of rhetorical device

As a great thinker has observed

Almost morbid sensitiveness

Discreetly stifled yawn

He was dumb with wonder

Scarcely less familiar

Delightfully characteristic

It was a profound conviction

Greatly conceived and expressed

Blinded by its brightness

I have cudgelled my memory

Exposed to imminent peril

Screening a breach of etiquette

By a natural transition

Splendid anticipations of success

A very laudable attempt

Lapsed into complete oblivion

With the most distinguished success

Like embarking on a shoreless sea

A really pretty imitation

Unless I greatly err

Undaunted by repeated failure

Became a term of reproach

An epoch-making achievement

In the guise of verbal nonsense

Received with cordial sympathy

With the most obvious sincerity

Held forth with fluency and zest

Gracious solicitude

Punctiliously civil and polite

An air of sphinx-like mystery

Consumed by zeal

Awaited with lively interest

Sledge-hammer blows against humbug

This recalls a happy retort

Preeminently a case in point

Exquisite precision and finish

Incomparably better informed

A keen eye for incongruities

Polite to the point of deference

To the last degree improbable

People with rampant prejudices

A model of chivalrous propriety

By way of digression

A splendid acquisition

Singularly attractive fashion

A kind of unconscious conspiracy

Amid engrossing demands

We learn next to the speaking voice!

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