Your Queries About Mind!

 Your Queries About Mind! 

1. Types of mind and what they do work?

From a psychology point of view, the mind is a part of the brain, consists of thought, imagination, memory, will and sensation. We are all read in Buddhism that the mind is divided into three parts the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is refer to our immediate attention. We make use of our conscious mind when we bring input from our senses, analyse the information and then make decisions based on this information.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind is regarded as the storehouse of all remembered experiences and the inclinations that are aroused or strengthened by these ideas. For example, if somebody asked you right now why England does not celebrate Independent Day? You will be able to recall it. The memories of the experiences live in what Freud referred to as the subconscious part of our minds that we might not be attentive to one moment. 

Whereas the unconscious mind considered the memories, thoughts, events etc buried deep within ourselves far below our conscious awareness.

The basic functions of our mind are thinking, feeling and wanting. But they work in four distinct ways autopilot, critical, thinking and engaged. Autopilot and critical are harmful aspects however thinking and engagement are helpful creatures.

In an autopilot situation, you stop thinking about the situation and rather respond to preprogrammed directions. This happens in several ways. What turns autopilot on. We tag things and conceptions to help us realize what they fit with the world around us. For instance, you see one crying and you automatically guess, crying equals unhappiness, accordingly, that person must be a shock. your automatic response deters you from contemplating alternative descriptions. The person screaming could be performing, cutting onions or chuckling so hard that tears are flowing down. Simply say that your mind is working on autopilot, temporarily fixed by your worldview and your life experiences. Therefore, it is good to of your autopilot activity.


Critical thought is a state of mind that prevents you to do some serious things. For example, on your way, you see an injured person you want to help that person but at the same moment, you may control your thinking or threat losing key opportunities.


Thinking actively analyse your thoughts. You do your best in these thoughts to feel apparent, detailed and optimistic. This is valuable when figuring out difficulties and making decisions, revising errors, giving rise to a sense of a situation and evaluating the past.


An engaged sense of mind exists when your priority is outward, on something in your unexpected environment and when you are conducting at your best.

2. Want to control another person's mind

According to the science of psychology, if you want to control another person's mind use body language to your goal because the brain facilitates physical activities and responses during everyday relations,   rewrite the viewpoint,  pull your understanding of others' opinions learn about someone's psychological preferences,  modes of impression and qualities. Be conscious of proper timing and opportunity. Learn what motivates them and use compelling language. 

3. Why do some people get in mind thought about?

People who always thought is about the issue of obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD). OCD is a mental health condition in which someone experiences obsessions or compulsions that are difficult to shake. They can also be accelerated by seeing a catastrophe, death in the family, serious illness, misusage-verbal, physical and strict family or societal belief systems. People who can overthink can be paralysed by their concerns and may struggle to make decisions or take action.

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